March 7th of 1032 , the Miron’s family sells to Veraldi a piece of land known as "La Guardiola".
July 22, 1295, the Prior of Santa Maria de Terrassa, Don Durán of Conamina, strengthen Guillem of Guardiola of a piece of land that it has granted by the famous Monastery of Sant Martí de Sorbet.
On December 4, 1302 militaries set out in the house of Bernat i Berenguer de Petra, and called the place "Guillem Saguardiola”.
In 1427, Pere Villona, yields to Francesc Mitjans perpetually, the farm known as the "Más Gordiola taudell of Santa Maria de Taudell”.
Between 1427 and 1556, the Estate Mitjans becomes finally (can Mitjans de Guardiola), one of the most important properties of Aragon and Catalonia.

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